Hydro Presents: ILLEGAL a short surf film by Oscar Johns.

We Made A Surf Movie: I L L E G A L

‘Illegal’ a Hydro short film by Oscar Johns is out now! Both Oscar and Sam have been working on this film project for a while and we’re super stoked to be able to share it with you all. The original plan was to have a big premier party in the shop with bands, drinks and lots of fun but since mass gatherings are probably not gonna be a thing for a while, we thought we’d release it now to help you get fired up to surf again at Level 3 (which is happening Tuesday 28th!!!).

Illegal (named after the simple fact that surfing is currently illegal in NZ) was filmed at various spots around our southern coast over several months and features Elliott Brown, Sam Pasley, Jack McLeod and Jonas Tawharu. The whole crew put a heap of time and effort into this wee film and we’re very proud of the end result. Watch Illegal now and get fired up for next Tuesday!!!

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